Nue will choose an opponent and will get sick with one of five diseases: Paranoia, Fatigue, Constipation, Cough or Dementia. Nue will be able to choose who to place one of these diseases to a total of five opponents (one for God). He can change them or leave in the same god if he kills one who already is carrying one. If Nue dies these diseases will disappear until Nue reappears, having the option of change them if he wants.
Paranoia: You will see Nue’s silhouettes and will hear Nue around all the time.
Tiredness: Depending on the distance this god from Nue, will reduce the attackspeed and hp5 (far) or movementspeed and damage (close).
Blindness: The god will no longer be able to see enemies, buff, wards, etc... more than 10 feet away or in the minimap.
Cough: The god will make a noise that Nue would be allowed to see every 15 seconds (far) or 5 seconds (close), and it will make him mute for the rest of the team.
Dementia: The god will see things that are not there at that time or will not see things that are there, even if it's attacking them.
Gods affected: 2-1Lvl/ 3-10Lvl/ 5-20Lvl
Hp5 reduced: 10 + 2 per Lvl
attackspeed reduced: 5/10/15/20 per 5Lvl
movementspeed reduced: 5% + 3% per Lvl
damage reduced: 2.5/5/7.5/10% per 5Lvl
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